How do you know someone is engaged?

They write a social media post about you.

This email is dedicated to my good friend Traca Savadogo from Mexico and listen to her sage advice to “Engage by being of service and value”.


Lessons Learned from Masters

By Traca Savadogo –

John Chen Csp, is a master hybrid event producer for events big and small. He’s also the author of Engaging Virtual Meetings by Wiley, the President of the National Speaker’s Association Northwest Chapter, and a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional, which takes a minimum of 5 years to earn.)

That only scratches the surface. More importantly is WHO John is. He’s kind. Always willing to help with a technical issue. Constantly expanding the circle. When we were both at a conference, he invited me to multiple events happening outside the official schedule.

A question I like to ask people is, “How did you meet?” John first came across my radar in a Zoom chat. He was adding so much value–adding links to things the speaker mentioned, helping people finness the technology, adding smart comments. I immediately sent him a message, “I’d like to get to know you better!” 

A follow up call was scheduled before we left the meeting.

John and I had a memorable chat, and from that day, he continues to add value. A smart comment. Or if I’m trying to sort out some new tech, he’ll drop me a calendar link so we can work it out together. 

Last week I took a page out of John’s playbook. I attended Tamara Adlin’s LinkedIn live with author Karen Warke (Taking the Work out of Networking.) I asked questions, added support where I could, provided links to resources in the chat, etc. 

There were 200 people on the call, and no less than 20 of them reached out to me on LinkedIn. After the meeting, the host reached out to me, and introduced me to the author directly. 

My intention was to be of service and add value. I spent much of this weekend returning new connection requests and getting to know new folks in my network. 

It’s great when we can meeting in person, but online? Can bear a ton of fruit too. 

I took a page from John Chen’s playbook, and it was incredible!

Pro Tip: Don’t be boring in the chat. You want to stand out? Add value. So many folks make the chat about them. Approach the chat with a service mindset…and the right folks will notice. 🙂

#CuriosityConversations Lessons from the Masters, ep. 1

-Traca Savadogo


Do you want the #1 tip for engagement for your conference?

Do you want to see the best practices for your hybrid summit?

Do you want to learn engagement from 3 hall of fame speakers and a former chief operating officer?

This is my personal invitation to you to The Engaging Conference.

Learn the BEST in how to ENGAGE at in-person, hybrid and virtual meetings, 

10/1/2024-10/3/2024 In-Person in Seattle, WA and Virtual

Click to see the latest information and to register


7/22/24-7/24/24 – Jay Abrahams Pinnacle Performance Group

Cleveland OH

John is a member and the Hybrid Producer

7/26/24-7/31/24 – Tony Robbin’s Global Youth Leadership Summit

John runs the high-tech team building and is a coach at this program.

7/29/24-7/30/24 – GBNTC Power of Teamwork

John teaches virtually to Saudi Arabia, Private

8/3/24-8/6/24 – National Speakers Association Influence

John Chen will receive with Certified Speaker Professional Medal On Stage 8/3/24 3-5pm MST

8/17/24 9am-12pm PDT National Speakers Association Northwest Chapter Confab

Mercer Island, WA Hybrid

8/21/24 Boeing Team Building – Private

8/23/24 The Korean Chamber of Commerce Expo and Festival, Hanger 30, Seattle, WA 

10/1/24-10/3/24 – The ENGAGING Conference

Free YouTube, VIP Zoom and In-Person in Seattle featuring hall of fame speakers!

Click to register

10/4/24-10/6/24 9am-5pm PDT Engaging Hybrid Meetings Certified Producer Training

REPLY for more information

10/20/24-10/23/24 The Presentation Summit – In-Person Oxnard, CA

11/4/24-11/6/24 The Presentation Summit – Virtual

11/20/24-11/22/24 AFCPE © Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education® Virtual Emcee

-John Chen

CEO, Engaging Virtual Meetings

Your experts in engaging virtual and hybrid meetings

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