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Why to Choose FUN as a Company Value: Research Says You’ll Win

I’m John Chen, the CEO of Geoteaming, your expert on team building. On February 3rd, 2020, the GHCA or the Georgia Healthcare Association participated in a Geoteaming program. This program focused on networking and team building. After reviewing gigabytes of data, we learned that there […]

You’ve Come Home – Join the Engaging Virtual Meetings Facebook Group

The Engaging Virtual Meetings facebook group is THE community of professionals who are passionate about making virtual meetings engaging. With members from around the world and from multiple professions, you can ask a question and get multiple answers quickly. In addition, the best practices from […]

Matching and Mirroring – Creating Virtual Rapport In a Minute

Matching and mirroring operates on the principle that people like people who are like themselves. These are easy openers that only use video and can take 1–3 minutes. You can use just one or combine 2 to 10 of these openers. You can sequence the […]

How to share your iPhone or iPad screen on Zoom

Share iPhone/iPad You can share your iPhone or iPad screen. If you are showing an app, you can show exactly how it looks and works to your participants, which can help if your app only works on the iPhone or iPad. This can help in […]

Pictionary – The Funnest Way To Master Annotation

One of the easiest ways to learn how to use Annotation is to play Pictionary. The organizer private chats a word to the drawer. The drawer proceeds to draw something to get the other participants to guess the drawn word in 60 seconds or less […]

A Masterclass in Handling Zoombombing – WARNING: Strong Language

One of the hidden keys to an engaging virtual meeting is security. Security includes the challenges of securing your meeting data, especially if it is confidential or sensitive to the phenomenon of Zoombombing, which is the unwanted intrusion into a videoconference call by an individual […]

How To Prevent Zoombombing – Virtual Hijacking

One of the hidden keys to an engaging virtual meeting is security. Security includes the challenges of securing your meeting data, especially if it is confidential or sensitive to the phenomenon of Zoombombing, which is the unwanted intrusion into a videoconference call by an individual […]

Dance to the Beat of a Different Drummer

This is a high-energy matching and mirroring opener. You or someone you choose can lead the first dance and every other attendee must follow. You can create a rule that when the song changes, you change to another leader. Make sure all the attendees know […]

The Participation Map – The Secret to Virtual Meeting Engagement

The Participation Map When your meeting grows to more than 15 attendees or if you have amore complex meeting, such as a learning meeting, consider using a participation map. A participation map can help you recognize common patterns of problem meetings, such as one or […]

The Most Popular Video Sign is “You’re On Mute”

One of the most common problems on virtual meetings is when an attendee starts talking and they forget they are on mute. Video signs is a fast and easy way to communicate that can be used when other attendees are talking. Video signs are printed […]