Robbie Samuels highlighted Engaging Virtual Meetings CEO John Chen on his #FollowFriday post.

One phrase is becoming more and more prevalent in the entrepreneurship sphere.
No, it’s not the dreaded “girl boss”.
Teamwork has the incredible power to increase productivity, job satisfaction, and even each person’s individual performance. “”If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”” ~ Henry Ford. Essentially, we can build each other up AND still be successful.
This week for #FollowFriday, it brings me great pleasure to introduce you to John Chen. He is on a mission to beat Zoom fatigue by being an engaging virtual event designer and producer. Sound familiar?
His specialities include:
Team Building
Team-to-Team Building
Working with High-Tech Teams
Public Speaking
He’s presented at my #NoMoreBadZoom Virtual Happy Hour and most recently, we were both guests of our mutual friend, Debra Eckerling’s LinkedIn #GoalChatLive. John’s approach to online events is different to mine but at our core, we both work very hard to provide our clients with the same thing– engaging online experiences.
I’ll share a few ways to connect with John including how to buy his book “”Engaging Virtual Meetings: Openers, Games, and Activities for Communication, Morale, and Trust.””
Click to hear John Chen, Robbie Samuels and Bobbie Carlton GO OFF on Debra Eckerling #GoalChatLive